Zoznam príspevkov

Č.AutoriNázov príspevku
1Lucia Csachová, Real-life problems and financial literacy in Slovak nation-wide testing T9
2Roman Frič, A dialogue/monologue on probability
3Artur Gola, Lidia Stępień, Marcin Ryszard Stępień, Marcin ZiółkowskiApplications of Python programs in solving of equations based on selected numerical methods
4Ján Gunčaga, Real-life problems in mathematics education
5Jitka Hodaňová, Graph and Diagram Using in Mathematics Teaching in Elementary School
6Antonín Jančařík, Mají budoucí učitelé matematiky umět počítat?
7Mária Jurečková, Educational research of the mathematical competence
8Petra Konečná, Jakub PorubaThe state of pre-gradual preparation of Math teachers at the time of the end of existence of branches of study
9Lilla Koreňová, Možnosti využitia rozšírenej reality vo vyučovaní matematiky na základnej škole
10Péter Körtesi, Hand held technology in Mathematics
11Jana Krajčiová, Rapsodické skúsenosti učiteľky matematiky
12Grażyna Krech, On the degree of approximation by modified Gamma operators
13Ingrid Nagyová, Didactics of mathematics versus didactics of informatics
14Martin Papčo, Why should we use indicator functions?
15Edita Partová, Dilema medzi presnosťou a zrozumiteľnosťou vo vyučovaní matematiky.
16Adam Plocki, Probability around us, or what, how and why is mathematized
17Jakub Poruba, Petra KonečnáThe state of pre-gradual preparation of Math teachers at the time of the end of existence of branches of study
18Jiří Přibyl, Petr EisenmannHeuristic Strategies in Graph Theory Problem Solving
19Luljeta Sadiku, Murat Sadiku, Izet ZeqiriAn Econometric Model for estimating the effects of financing the Higher Education in the Republic of Macedonia
20Murat Sadiku, Nimete BerishaA Method on Accelerating Convergence of Trigonometric Series
21Katarína Sátorová, Daniela GuffováArgumentation and reasoning of prospective teachers
22Qianjun TANG, Jitka LaitochovaHow to Integrate ICT into Mathematics Teaching?
23Zuzana Václavíková, LARPing the Math
24Mateusz Woronowicz, Ryszard R. AndruszkiewiczOn the square subgroup of an abelian group
25Bożena Woźna-Szcześniak, Ireneusz SzcześniakReal-Time Commitment Logic interpreted over Duration Communication Interpreted System
26Izet Zeqiri, Murat Sadiku, Luljeta SadikuA Mathematical Model for Financing the Higher Education
27Pavol Zlatoš, Hilbert's Program and Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems